Seamus and Daniel Marshall

It's something I aspire to, but not today because today I am eating files. Like birds close up, easily attainable. Flying popcorn. It's a dog eat fly world.

I like food from Raw Essentials. I like to think of myself as a connoisseur. Have you ever wondered how handrails taste? I can tell you. I don't live in mystery. And dirt. And cat food if I can get it but my cat sister's food is now out of reach. Unattainable. The cats and I have what you might describe as an uneasy truce. They were here first, which I accept, and they have watched me get bigger and bigger over the last year and a bit. I test the boundaries and they bop me on the nose. It's out relationship and it's just how it is.

My days are perfect, as a dog I am blessed. My pack is small but perfectly formed. I go to work with my dad, he is an architect with an office on Karangahpe Road, the Road of Very Interesting Smells I like to call it. Transfixing sometimes. I am led by my nose. I have to stop the breathe it all in. We walk in Western Park every morning and in the evenings I go for a run with my mum Grey Lynn park. She is American and grew up with Irish setters, so that is why they picked me. A beautiful coincidence as well, my sister by birth, Amber, also lives in Grey Lynn. Sometimes I see her at the park or at Barkely Manor and we play together as only Irish setters can. We dance like beautiful clowns.