Suburban multi-level family home

A dense suburban area in Mount Maunganui presented a section with a sharp two-metre drop mid-site.
This ground condition led to four half-levels housed within two distinct sculptural forms. At their fulcrum, two levels of outdoor living space separate shared and private areas zoned within the two respective forms. A generous stairway is used to frame the outdoor spaces and provide a connection between the two forms. The Eastern form houses the garage/entry below and shared spaces above. The Western form accommodates the private areas.
At ground level - the entry, garage door and adjoining walls are ʻflush-cladʼ in horizontal stained cedar weatherboard, creating a moment of secrecy as to discovering the means of entering the home. After passing through the entry door, the visitor is immediately disengaged with the imminent suburban context as they move into the foyer and lower courtyard, well hidden from the entry/driveway.
Manipulation of privacy was a key driver in the project's development, resulting in areas that, while cannot be thought of as strictly private, place the occupier in a position of dominance. This effect is especially notable in the living area that overlooks the public beach access walkway. From the entry/driveway, the clean white angular forms evoke the prows of two ocean vessels vying for the attention of the ʻMountʼ.

Mt. Maunganui, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
- Patrick Reynolds
- Ernie Shackles
- NZIA – Waikato Bay of Plenty Branch Award, Residential
- Resene – Total Colour Awards